Today’s Good News!
1. How selfless is this? A Ukrainian millionaire saw on his security camera that the Russian military was using his mansion as a base, and firing missiles from it. So he gave the coordinates to Ukraine’s military and told them to BOMB it. (Here’s an interview he did with “Good Morning Britain”.)
2. There’s a video making the rounds of a guy hopping out of his car in D.C. last Thursday to give his umbrella to a woman pushing a baby stroller. The driver behind him at a red light got it on their dash-cam.
3. Here’s some good news for National Park Week: A new report found that last year, America’s parks had a big rebound from the pandemic. They had about 91% as many visitors as they had before covid hit.
4. A bunch of second-graders in Virginia recently helped get dogs adopted by drawing pictures of them to hang up outside their kennels. They also wrote things like, “Hi, my name is Cody . . . please be my owner!”