Monday’s Good News!

Be sure to click on the highlighted words and phrases to see pictures and videos from each story!

1.  Two decades ago, a kid in Pennsylvania found a guy’s diary from the 1930s, and his mom hung onto it all this time hoping to track down the family.  Now she finally has, and they’re getting it back.  It includes all sorts of stuff, like that he bought a car in 1938 for $350 . . . and gas only cost 15 cents a gallon back then.


2.  If you need a quick pick-me-up, check out a website called  It’s just a series of videos of people walking up to the camera and giving you a hug.


3.  Speaking of being nice:  A new study at the University of Texas found that doing random acts of kindness doesn’t just make YOU feel good about yourself, it can also benefit your kids.  Modeling kindness for your children tends to make them kinder too.


4.  The Boston Marathon is today, but it’s just a drop in the bucket for this lady.  A woman from Arizona is trying to break a world record by running 102 marathons in 102 days, and she’s almost there.  The Boston Marathon will be run number 92.

But here’s the insane part:  She’s doing it all on ONE LEG.  She lost her left leg below the knee to cancer.  So she uses a prosthetic, but doesn’t let it hold her back.  Again, this ISN’T the record for amputees, it’s the world record for all female runners.
