Heroic Crane Operator Rescues Trapped Worker in Daring High-Rise Fire Rescue: Dramatic Video Captures Heart-Stopping Moment in England

1.  A tunnel that was under construction in northern India collapsed during a landslide this month, and 41 construction workers were trapped.  But after 17 days and a massive rescue effort, all 41 made it out alive yesterday.


2.  A woman in New Hampshire accidentally threw her wedding ring in the trash and didn’t realize until it was already at the dump.  But workers managed to find it for her last Friday, and she got it back.

She was lucky they had some experience with this.  It’s the third ring they’ve found for people, just in the past two years.  They say this one missed going to the incinerator by about 15 minutes.


3.  A lot of people missed this story over the Thanksgiving break:  Last Thursday, a half-built high-rise in England caught fire.  And a very skilled crane operator saved a construction worker stuck on the roof.

He saw him signaling for help, attached a cage to the crane, and lifted it up so the guy could climb in.  A two-minute video has been making the rounds online.  You can tell how dire it was just listening to the people in the background.

The crane operator is 65-year-old Glen Edwards.  He said the windy conditions made it pretty tough.  But he downplayed the whole thing, saying, quote, “I don’t want to blow it up too much.  I’m not that sort of person.”  (Here’s the video.)
