First Responder Is Hiking 2,200 Miles To Raise Money For Paws of War! (And More Good News)


1.  A 9/11 first responder named Rob Weisberg is about to start a very long walk this weekend.  He’s hiking the Appalachian Trail . . . all 2,200 miles of it . . . and trying to raise $100,000 for the charity Paws of War.  They’re the ones who help bring animals back from overseas.

His plan is to start in Georgia tomorrow and finish in Maine on September 11th.  So, six months total.  If you want to support him, you can donate through


2.  A 79-year-old teacher in Oklahoma has been running a 5K every day since the pandemic started . . . now more than 1,000 days in a row.  She says she tried it for a week, and it just became a habit eventually.


3.  How great is this idea?  A nonprofit called Loose Ends launched last September.  If someone passes away . . . like a grandparent . . . they’ll take their unfinished knitting project, and finish it for you.  It’s free.  You just pay shipping.  They’ve only been around six months and already have about 1,000 volunteers.
