Rhode Island Resident Transforms His Home into ‘House of 1,000 Pumpkins’ for Cancer Charity

Today’s Good News is brought to you by The Shane Company   “Fine Jewelry Since 1929”


1.  A guy in Rhode Island named Tim Perry is using his INSANE annual Halloween display to raise money for the American Cancer Society again this year.  He calls it “House of 1,000 Pumpkins.”

He takes fake “craft” pumpkins and carves celebrities’ faces into them.  And yes, he really does have that many.  He’s been doing it for over a decade, and adds more pumpkins each year.  But it’s only the third year it’s been a fundraiser.

A few years ago, his wife got diagnosed with cancer.  So that’s when he decided to start raising money for cancer research.  But the best news is he says she’s doing okay now, and “hopefully the cancer is gone.”

If you can’t make it to Cranston, Rhode Island to see it in person, you can check out his “House of 1,000 Pumpkins” Facebook page.  He’s also doing an online fundraiser through Facebook this year, so anyone can donate.  (Here’s a photo.)


2.  A factory worker in California named John Bartlett recently got forced into retirement after working 42 years at minimum wage.  And all the company did was throw him a lame barbecue.  So one of his co-workers posted about him on TikTok, and started a GoFundMe that’s now raised over $35,000 to help him out.


3.  And finally:  If you want to go out there and be a JERK to people, at least wait until tomorrow . . . because today is National Do Something Nice Day.  You can celebrate by volunteering, helping a stranger, carrying out a random act of kindness, or just calling up an old friend to let them know you care.


