New Seasons Market announces halt to selling still water in single-use containers

New Seasons Market made a big announcement today. Starting Earth Day (April 22nd), all 19 stores will stop selling still water in containers one liter or less, bottled in single-use plastic, fiber, aluminum or glass containers. However, they will continue to offer one refillable single-serve bottle of still water from Pathwater (a company that uses specialized aluminum bottles designed to be refilled) and will continue selling reusable bottles. The step is one of a handful in their sustainability initiatives for the year and will remove approximately 200,000 single-use bottles from the waste stream annually. New Seasons Market will continue to sell larger sizes of water, along with single-serving bottles of sparkling and flavored water. They’re also committed to evaluating and implementing other packaging improvements, including switching to lighter weight or reduced footprint packaging. 

Read about New Seasons Market sustainability initiatives here