A Guy Here In Oregon Was Stranded In Mountain Snow But His Drone Saved His Life! (And More Good News)

1.  A town in Massachusetts threw a surprise birthday for their oldest resident last week.  Her name is Herlda Senhouse, and she turned 112 last Tuesday.  (Kinda risky with someone that age, but yes . . . she survived the surprise.)


2.  A woman in Washington state hit the Powerball last month and just came forward to collect.  Turns out she works for Boeing, and only bought a ticket because the jackpot was $747 million.

That same week, Boeing had just delivered its last 747 jumbo jet ever, so she thought it might be a sign.  The jackpot grew a little bit after that though, so she ended up winning just under $755 million.


3.  A guy in Oregon got snowed in on a remote road and didn’t have cell service.  But he had a DRONE, and how clever is this?  He attached his phone to it . . . typed out a text to his friend . . . and flew it high enough until it got service.  So then the text went through, and he got rescued.


4.  A cemetery in Iowa used to have two geese named Bud and Blossom, a male and female that were mates.  Sadly, Bud passed away last year, and Blossom hadn’t been the same since.  The good news is the story has a happy ending.

The cemetery recently posted a personal ad looking for a male goose to keep her company.  It said, “Lonely, widowed domestic goose seeks life partner for companionship and occasional shenanigans.”

And someone with a goose named Frankie came forward.  He’d also lost his mate.  So they brought him to the cemetery on Valentine’s Day last month.  Now Blossom and Frankie are inseparable.  (Here’s a photo.)
