You Can Help With The Search For Missing University Of Portland Student TODAY
U of P student Owen Klinger is missing. The 18-year-old freshman has not been seen since Sunday, October 6. Klinger told his roommates he was going to a lacrosse team meeting, but never showed up. He withdrew money from an ATM, then his phone went dark and is still off as of Sunday, according to friends of the family.
So far, there have been no new leads about what happened to Klinger. That’s why searchers are now combing every area they can think of, canvassing businesses, and handing out flyers with Klinger’s picture all over the city.
And you can help today (Wednesday, October 6th, 2019)starting at 4pm
Meet up locations:
Team A: Meet at the Cathedral Park at N. Crawfod St. under St. John’s Bridge.
Team B: Meet at Portland Tennis Center at the outdoor courts 324 NE 12th
Pick a location that is most convenient for you. Dress warm and bring rain gear.
Thanks & Love
Find Owen Klinger Team and Corey & Mitch.