Ways to reduce single-use plastics
If someone were to ask you to guess how much plastic enters coastal waters each year, what would be your answer? 10 tons? 100,000 tons? An estimated 8 million tons of plastic enters coastal waters each year. It’s a number that’s so large, you can’t even wrap your head around it. We’re all part of the problem, so we all need to be part of the solution. Since 91% of plastics are not recycled in the U.S., the best place to start is by reducing the amount of plastic garbage you create. Find alternatives to plastic packaging, it’s not as hard as you think. Refuse a straw, either because you don’t really need it or you brought your own. Skip the plastic water bottle and bring your own reusable. The same goes for your coffee cup, your hot and cold drinks can go in there. Skip the plastic produce bag and either go without or find a reusable one.
Ways to reduce single-use plastics