Reusable options are coming back!

There’s no question that reusables took a hit during the pandemic, bringing your own cups and containers to places was banned for fear of catching COVID. Now that we understand more about how the virus is transmitted, more and more businesses are bringing back reusables. Smaller coffee shops in town like locally-owned Nossa Familia were the first to allow customers to bring their own cups. But last month Starbucks announced the return of reusables inside their stores. This is big because smaller coffee shops are likely to follow. This month GO Box announced that their reusable containers, that have been back in use at food carts and restaurants for a few months, were expanding in all New Seasons Market stores and now can be used for cheese, desserts and in the bulk section. More ways to reduce plastic waste is news to celebrate! 

GO Box


Nossa Familia 

Starbucks brings back reusable cups to cafes