It’s Earth Day and I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, Earth Day is Every Day. It’s a way to remind ourselves that taking care of the environment has to be on our minds the other 364 days of the year. With that in mind, my favorite local coffee company, Nossa Familia is implementing a change in their menu pricing. Starting today, they’ll add a 25-cent charge to all customers wishing to get their drink in a single-use, disposable cup. The move comes after discovering that in their Seven Corners store where the charge has been in place since opening, less than 1/3 of customers there choose to use a to-go cup, compared with an average of 2/3 of customers at their other two Portland shops. Every year in Portland alone, 50 million cups are thrown away. Imagine what would happen if Starbucks was courageous enough to make such a bold move.

Nossa Familia

Listen to my conversation with Karen Lickteig of Nossa Familia about this and other sustainability actions the company has made