Top 5 KINK Artists Of All Time…According To Mitch

Trying to narrow down my Top 5 favorite KINK artists is a bit like asking me which of my two dogs is my favorite…or if I could only eat one food for the rest of my life what would it be?   It’s nearly impossible for me to narrow down my Top 50 faves MUCH LESS my Top 5, and chances are very good if you ask me tomorrow you will get five totally different answers.   But since I have been challenged to do this here is my list:

5.  Cage the Elephant

4. Nathaniel Rateliff and the Nightsweats

3.  Vampire Weekend

2.  Foo Fighters

1. Coldplay

By the way, make sure YOU vote for your favorite artists at because the Ultimate Sound System we are giving away will rock your house!    The Sonos FIVE speaker is truly state-of-the-art and having a top-notch turntable will make your vinyl collection sound better than ever!  Good luck!  -Mitch-


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