Mattel launches new takeback program for Barbies, Matchbox cars and Mega Bloks

If you’ve got kids, you’ve likely stumbled upon broken toys from time to time. For me, it’s tough to throw away even the most well-loved toy, even if it’s broken, so I was delighted to see the latest news from Mattel. They’ve launched a new takeback program for old Barbie dolls, Matchbox cars or Mega Bloks, and the best news is that it’s completely free. The Mattel takeback program is pretty easy, just go to their website, print off a prepaid shipping label, pack the broken toys in the box and send it to them. The toys don’t need to be cleaned, but remove all batteries. Mattel will reuse whatever materials they can as recycled content in new toys and what’s not repurposed or recycled will be downcycled into other plastic products or converted from waste to energy. It’s great to see larger companies moving towards a circular business model and hopefully other companies will follow suit. 

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