Heroic Neighbor’s Quick Thinking Saves Autistic Toddler from Drowning in Michigan Lake – Caught on Ring Camera
Today’s Good News is brought to you by The Shane Company “Fine Jewelry Since 1929”
1. A four-year-old kid with autism jumped in a lake in Michigan while his grandma was babysitting last month. Accidental drownings are the top cause of death for autistic kids. But he’s okay after a neighbor jumped in and saved him.
A Ring camera got it on video. Her name is Jessica Bauer, and she has a three-year-old herself. She joked that she definitely didn’t have time to think, because she doesn’t swim well. She only doggy paddles.
2. Planet Fitness had a promo this summer to get kids moving, where high schoolers could come work out for free. They just released their final numbers, and it was a big hit. Between May 15th and August 31st, over three million kids signed up.
3. Two big lottery wins were in the news this week: A guy in Virginia was cleaning out his truck, and found a Powerball ticket from June worth $100,000.
And a woman in Australia bought her husband a lottery ticket for Father’s Day, which they celebrate on the first Sunday in September. It ended up hitting for $2.5 MILLION. (About $1.6 million U.S.)
She actually knew before he did, and hadn’t even given him the ticket yet. She heard a winning ticket was sold at the place she bought hers. So she checked the numbers, and wait until he got home from work to tell him.