Source: YouTube


1.  A guy named Dave Urban works at a Lowe’s store in Philadelphia, and recently went the extra mile to help a kid named William, who has cerebral palsy.

He saw William’s parents looking at PVC pipes and offered to help.  Then he found out they were trying to build a set of parallel bars to help him learn to walk.  So Dave stepped up and built it for them right there in the store.

He got pretty emotional just talking about it.  His advice to people is go the extra mile, and it’ll pay you back 100 times over.


2.  Passengers at Oakland International Airport in California paid tribute to a 100-year-old World War Two vet the other day.  A Southwest employee made it happen.  He got everyone in the terminal to sing “God Bless America”.


3.  How cool is this?  A two-year-old kid was watching construction going on outside his house.  So the workers stopped and used a front-end loader to fill his Tonka truck up with dirt.  Now a video of it is making the rounds online.



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