Bird migrations are happening now, see how you can help keep them safe
You may have seen the story this week about a volunteer in New York City who found nearly 300 birds on the ground one morning as she went on her usual walk looking for dead or injured birds. She knew that there was a high number of birds migrating over the city and the possibility of finding more birds than usual. The birds likely crashed into buildings and they’re drawn to the city because of the lights at night. The National Audubon Society estimates that 365-988 million birds are killed annually by building collisions. The birds have ancient migration routes and many cities are along the route, and the birds also get drawn in by the lights and can either get disoriented and crash into the buildings at night or find a green space then wake in the morning and crash into the glass because of the reflection.
There are a couple of things that can be done during migration to help protect the birds. One is to turn off lights at night as much as possible. The other way is to promote bird-friendly construction materials and building design approaches into buildings. Even placing patterns on reflective glass helps.
Read the story about the dead & injured songbirds here
Portland Audubon Society has a way to urge legislators to support the cost-neutral legislation … Bird-Safe Buildings Act of 2021
Check out BirdCast to see bird migration forecasts in real time