Be Extra Nice To A “Leftie” Today–It’s National Lefthanders Day!

If you have a friend or family member who is lefthanded, show them some extra love today!  It’s not always easy being a leftie, scissors and can openers can be challenging, but here are few more things lefties have to deal with that you may not have thought of:

1.  Zippers on jeans.  The flap covering the zipper is on the left.  So it’s nearly impossible to zip with your left hand.

2.  Credit card machines.  The swiper is always on the right.  And if there’s a pen, it’s tethered to the right side of the machine.

3.  Measuring cups.  If you hold one in your left hand, you’re stuck measuring in milliliters instead of ounces.

4.  Car fobs.  The kind with a key that opens like a knife.  The button is always set up for righties.  Lefties have to open them upside down.

5.  Microwaves.  If you push the button to open it with your left hand, the door hits your arm.

6.  Rulers and tape measures.  If you use a tape measure left-handed, the numbers are upside down.

7.  Power tools, like chop saws.  The handle you pull down on is on the right.  If you want to use it lefty, you have to cross your arms and reach over the blade.  Not safe.

8.  Novelty coffee cups.  If there’s only printing on one side, it faces out for righties, so other people can see it.  For lefties, it looks blank to other people.

9.  Playing cards.  A lot of them only have numbers in two of the four corners.  So you can’t see them well when they’re in your left hand.

10.  Serrated knives.  Even a lot of lefties don’t know.  The teeth are set up to offset the tendency to twist clockwise with your right hand.  So lefties tend to cut things like bread thinner at the top and fatter at the bottom.