Packaging piling up? Here’s how to recycle it
‘Tis the season for packaging, lots of it. As bubble-wrap, styrofoam, mailers and boxes pile up in your house, do you know what to do with them? Let’s start with the easiest item, cardboard boxes. Those can be flattened and put in your recycling bin. But that’s the only item that goes in the recycling bin. Unpopped bubble wrap and air-void pillows can be reused by some shipping companies. Reuse the padded mailers if you can, if not, toss the paper covered ones in the garbage but the plastic-padded mailers can be recycled with plastic bags at participating retailers. Finally, styrofoam. Agilyx in Tigard takes it for free or you can take it to Metro’s South Transfer Station in Oregon City for $10 a carload. Check out the links below for specific information and as always, if you have any recycling questions, Call Metro.
Metro’s Recycling Information Hotline: 503-234-3000
- Call them for companies that take unpopped bubble wrap/air-void pillows and packing peanuts
Agilyx – 13240 SW Wall St, Tigard, OR 97223 (drop off 24/7 in a dumpster located in their parking lot)
Plastic Film Recycling – Check out this link to find out what’s accepted at participating retailers
Recycle Or Not is a great resource – check out their Instagram page too